6 de agosto de 2008

"She can be exuberant. But if you look at her a little more closely, you'll see about eight levels of depth going on at the same time she's laughing."

Cameron Crowe

2 apreciaciones :

  1. ATF dijo...

    thats a super great definition of kirsten, i simply loved it, they need to work together again because he seems to capture her essence and thats awesome.

    girl, i know you sent me some gorrgeous winona pics for your blog pic but i fell in love with this kiki pic, i think i've never saw it before and i posted it, but if you feel like you prefer the other ones just tell me ok? but this one was way too gorgeous, i simply adored it.

    by the wy, i loved that 'got drew' pic too :)

    salute girl!

  2. Moonie dijo...

    Ilike your Blog i'm going to link you!
    I like Crowe!And Elizabethtown it's a beautiful movie!
    Rock on!